Tips, Trends, & News

Tips, Trends, & News

10 Ways to Protect Your Children from the Sun…

10 Ways to Protect Your Children from the Sun…

Summer is a time for children to enjoy outdoor activities and soak up the sun. However, it is crucial to protect their delicate skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays. Sun exposure can lead to sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer later in...

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Healthy Eating Patterns for Children and Teens…

Healthy Eating Patterns for Children and Teens…

Proper nutrition is crucial for the physical and mental development of children and teens. As a parent or caregiver, it can be challenging to ensure that your child is eating a balanced and nutritious diet. In this article, we will provide you with valuable insights...

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New Baby Tips – When, What, and How To Feed Your Baby

New Baby Tips – When, What, and How To Feed Your Baby

Trying to decide when to start solid foods for your baby can be confusing, you are not alone. We would like to take some time to go through some of the issues that can be overwhelming. The following comments are the most current evidence to the answer. When to Feed...

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10 Tips for Keeping Kids Cool in the Summer Heat…

10 Tips for Keeping Kids Cool in the Summer Heat…

In the summer heat, it’s essential to ensure that children stay cool and comfortable. High temperatures can pose health risks, especially for babies and young children. To help you navigate the scorching summer days, we have compiled a list of expert tips from...

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3 Effective Ways To Manage Your Child’s Asthma…

3 Effective Ways To Manage Your Child’s Asthma…

Asthma is one of the most common chronic disorders that pediatricians diagnose in children and teens.  Asthma is a chronic (long-term) lung disease. It affects your child’s airways, the tubes that carry air in and out of their lungs. When your child has...

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Healthy Eating Tips If Your Child Is A Picky Eater…

Healthy Eating Tips If Your Child Is A Picky Eater…

Are you having difficulty making a smart nutrition choice for your picky eater? Your child’s pediatrician can help you create some healthier eating habits.  If your child is overweight, he/she can map out a treatment plan so your child can lose excess...

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Conjunctivitis: What Is Pink Eye?…

Conjunctivitis: What Is Pink Eye?…

People often call conjunctivitis “pink eye” because it can cause the white of the eye to take on a pink or red color. Symptoms of pink eye can vary but typically include redness or swelling of the white of the eye.  It is common in young kids. It’s usually...

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Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment for Chickenpox…

Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment for Chickenpox…

Chickenpox is a highly infectious disease that usually occurs during childhood. By adulthood, more than 90% of Americans have had chickenpox. Since the mid-1990s, most children have been vaccinated against the infection. The disease is caused by the varicella-zoster...

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Six Little Ways to Show Love To Your Children…

Six Little Ways to Show Love To Your Children…

It’s a given that we love our children. We let them know every day—in the morning, before dropping them off at school and at bedtime. Telling your children you love them is great, but showing them is even better. Listen to them Nothing brightens a child’s day more...

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Is My Child Ready For Their First Cell Phone?…

Is My Child Ready For Their First Cell Phone?…

We live in a world full of technology and, for many of us, our children understand it better than we do. Parents may feel pressured by their children to provide them with a cell phone at an early age but aren’t sure when children are actually ready for this...

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What Should You Feed Your Child When They Have Diarrhea?

What Should You Feed Your Child When They Have Diarrhea?

The BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) was once a staple that most pediatricians recommended for children with an upset stomach. The idea was that it gave the gut a chance to rest and reduced the amount of stool produced. Now most doctors have moved away...

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Parenting Tips – Does My Child Need Stitches?

Parenting Tips – Does My Child Need Stitches?

Most children have had at least one accident, if not more. Whether it’s a scrape, cut, or just a bruise, how do I know if it requires stitches? Here Are Some Ways to Tell If Your Child Needs Stitches If after applying pressure for at least five minutes and the...

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Dr. Janson Is Retiring on July 1st…

Dr. Janson Is Retiring on July 1st…

We wanted to let you know that Dr. Janson is going to retire on July 1, 2022. We’ve enjoyed working with Dr. Janson and wish him the best in retirement. All of Dr. Janson’s patient records will be maintained at Pediatrics of Florence. If you have any...

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Does My Child Need A Tetanus Shot?

Does My Child Need A Tetanus Shot?

Because established tetanus is often fatal, even with expert treatment, prevention is of paramount importance. The two major means of preventing tetanus are immunization and wound care. All children need to get a tetanus shot. If bacteria come in contact with a wound...

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10 Safety Tips For The Winter Months…

10 Safety Tips For The Winter Months…

Whether winter brings severe storms, light dustings or just cold temperatures, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has some valuable tips on how to keep your children safe and warm. What to Wear Dress infants and children warmly for outdoor activities. ...

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Tips to Keep Your Children Safe Over the Holidays

Tips to Keep Your Children Safe Over the Holidays

The holidays are a time for family get togethers, traditions, and treats. A lot of strange things will be introduced to your young ones for the first time. Unfortunately, children and new things sometimes add up to hospital visits. The following are some tips on...

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When Is it Appropriate To Leave My Child Home Alone?

When Is it Appropriate To Leave My Child Home Alone?

Every parent will eventually face the inevitable question: When is it appropriate to leave my child home alone? And every parent will come to a different conclusion. This question can’t be answered by a definitive age; you must consider many factors, each of which...

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(859) 525-8181

Pediatrics of Florence

7409 U.S. Highway 42
Florence, KY 41042

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday   7:30am-6:30pm
Friday  7:30am-5:00pm
Saturday  8:00am-12:00pm


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