3 Effective Ways To Manage Your Child’s Asthma…

Asthma is one of the most common chronic disorders that pediatricians diagnose in children and teens.  Asthma is a chronic (long-term) lung disease. It affects your child’s airways, the tubes that carry air in and out of their lungs. When your child has asthma, their airways can become inflamed and narrowed. This can cause wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. When these symptoms get worse than usual, it is called an asthma attack or flare-up. It is important to recognize the warning signs of childhood asthma.

Asthma Symptoms And Pediatric Evaluation

If your child is wheezing, short of breath, fatigued, easily winded, and has a persistent cough, it is important that you bring them in for a pediatric evaluation as soon as possible. An untreated asthma attack can be dangerous.  

 If your child is diagnosed with asthma, here are some of the best ways to help them manage their symptoms:

  • Visit your pediatrician on a regular basis – Your child’s pediatrician will help you look after your child’s asthma. You will need to take your child to their doctor to have an asthma review on a regular basis. Even if your child’s symptoms seem to be well managed through medication and lifestyle, it is still important that you bring them into the pediatrician’s office.  The current medication and the child’s symptoms need to be evaluated.  If there is ever an asthma attack, you need to bring them into the pediatrician’s office immediately.  
  • What triggers your child’s asthma?  It is important for you and your pediatrician to talk about your child’s asthma triggers.  High pollen counts in the spring and fall can cause asthma symptoms to flare. In contrast, dust mites and pet dander are allergens commonly found inside. Food and medicine can also cause asthma attacks. For instance, food allergies, aspirin, NSAIDs, and even herbal medicines can cause asthma attacks when people eat or take these items. Know your child’s allergens and avoid them. Bathing pets weekly, keeping the house clean, and avoiding outdoor play on high pollen days are ways to reduce allergen exposure.  
  • Create a detailed asthma action plan – What is an asthma action plan for a child? An asthma action plan (or management plan) is a written plan that you create with your child’s doctor to help control your child’s asthma. The goal of an asthma action plan is to reduce or prevent flare-ups and emergency department visits. You and your pediatrician need to create and outline how you are managing your child’s symptoms and what to do in case of an asthma attack.  For school children, an asthma action plan should include:
    1. Emergency contact name and telephone number.
    2. Health care provider name and telephone number.
    3. Peak flow values.
    4. Medication names, dosing, and frequency.
    5. Steps to take during an asthma episode.
    6. Outline of when to seek emergency medical care.

If for any reason your child has a severe attack and the short-term relief medicines do not work, get medical help right away. Your child’s pediatrician may adjust the treatment until the asthma symptoms are controlled.


Contact Us (859-525-8181) if you have any questions!

About Pediatrics of Florence

We believe that children are more than just “little adults.” They have unique personalities, challenges, and life circumstances and we have made every effort to make our offices and care as “kid friendly” as possible. We have an aquatic theme in the waiting rooms (separated for sick and well children) as well as themed examination rooms. All of our physicians are Board Certified Pediatricians and members of the American Academy of Pediatrics and our nurse practitioners are all licensed Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and are available to see both well and sick children.
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