Getting Your Kids to Play Outdoors Increases Makes Them Healthier!

A study by The Journal of Pediatrics confirms that time spent outdoors after school was positively associated with moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Children are recommended to participate in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity … Continue reading

Obesity in Adolescence Can Be Influenced By Watching Too Much TV Or Having An Obese Parent

Overweight 5th graders who watched 30 hours of TV and had an obese parent had a 21% chance of becoming obese in 10th grade. Overweight children and adolescents can get fit but they must overcome some lifestyle challenges. A new … Continue reading

Why Stretching Is Super Important For Young Athletes. Learn How…

Stretching properly can increase and improve motion in your joints, increase blood flow, and decrease feelings of stiffness. Other potential benefits of stretching can include reducing delayed onset muscle soreness, increasing athletic performance, and reducing the risk of tendon or … Continue reading

Northern Kentucky Farmers’ Markets Are a Great Way to Get Kids to Eat More Healthy

Northern Kentucky has some of the best farmers’ markets in the United States and they are really great places to take children. When kids see fresh food that could grow in their own back yards, it affects them and makes … Continue reading