My Infant Has Jaundice! What Is Jaundice? Should I Be Worried?

Jaundice is a common problem in newborns-one that is responsible for a lot of office visits and hospitalizations in the first few days after birth. Infant jaundice is a yellow discoloration in a newborn baby’s skin and eyes. Infant jaundice … Continue reading

New Baby Tips – Some Frequently Asked Questions From New and Expecting Mothers…

What Equipment will I need before I leave the hospital with my infant? Before your infant goes home from the hospital, you will need a car seat, formula bottles (if you are not breastfeeding), rectal thermometer, nasal aspirator/bulb suction, and … Continue reading

Are Vaccines Harmful? A New Study Shows Anti-Vaccination Websites ‘Distort’ Science for Their Conclusions

A recent study of 480 anti-vaccination websites found that most of the sites show unscientific views about vaccinations that use pseudoscience and misinformation to spread the idea that vaccines are dangerous. 2/3rd of the anti-vaccination websites studies claimed that vaccines cause autism but … Continue reading

Northern Kentucky Health Officials Warn of a Large Increase in Whooping Cough Cases! Dr. Rob Interviewed…

31 cases of whooping cough (a.k.a. pertussis) have been diagnosed across Boone, Campbell, Grant and Kenton counties since Nov. 1st compared to only 7 cases in the same time period last year. That’s more than a 400% increase! The majority of … Continue reading

Reflections on the Boston Marathon. Thank-you for Your Support!

Four weeks ago, on April 21st, I finished running in the 118th Boston Marathon. It was an great experience and will likely be one of the most memorable in my lifetime. Maybe because of the excellent weather we had on that day, maybe because I ran a good race, or maybe because there are few opportunities for an amateur runner like me to run and be sincerely cheered on by over a million spectators. … Continue reading