My Infant Has Jaundice! What Is Jaundice? Should I Be Worried?

Jaundice is a common problem in newborns-one that is responsible for a lot of office visits and hospitalizations in the first few days after birth. Infant jaundice is a yellow discoloration in a newborn baby’s skin and eyes. Infant jaundice … Continue reading

New Baby Tips – When, What, and How To Feed Your Baby

Trying to decide when to start solid foods for your baby can be confusing, you are not alone. We would like to take some time to go through some of the issues that can be overwhelming. The following comments are … Continue reading

10 Tips for Having a Healthy and Safe Halloween in Northern Kentucky!…

Halloween is a fun time of year for children and many adults. However, it is a time of year when we can over indulge in our favorite candy and a time when we are out walking around our neighborhoods well … Continue reading

Asthma Tips – Is it Asthma? What is Asthma? Should I Get My Child Evaluated?

Asthma is a disease that 9% of U.S. children under 17 yrs old have. That adds up to about 6.7 million children in the U.S. and it accounts for 13 million missed school days, 200,000 hospitalizations, and 750,000 visits to emergency … Continue reading

New Baby Tips – Some Frequently Asked Questions From New and Expecting Mothers…

What Equipment will I need before I leave the hospital with my infant? Before your infant goes home from the hospital, you will need a car seat, formula bottles (if you are not breastfeeding), rectal thermometer, nasal aspirator/bulb suction, and … Continue reading

How To Handle Temper Tantrums – Tips On When It Is Normal or Needs Diagnosis and Treatment

Not all temper tantrums are attempts by children to manipulate you.  Some children have temper tantrums because their is an imbalance somewhere. This is the reason when discipline isn’t always the best way to help some children with their tantrums. … Continue reading

Getting Your Kids to Play Outdoors Increases Makes Them Healthier!

A study by The Journal of Pediatrics confirms that time spent outdoors after school was positively associated with moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Children are recommended to participate in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity … Continue reading

Antibiotics Series #1 – How Antibiotics Kill Bacteria But Can Become Resistant Overtime…

Antibiotics are an some of the most important medications pediatricians can use to combat infections. Antibiotics are also over requested and over prescribed. Antibiotics kill bacteria or keep them from reproducing. Disinfectants, like bleach, also kill bacteria but it’s not … Continue reading

Finding a Healthy Weight For Your Child – Small Changes In Their Daily Activities Can Reduce The Risk Of Obesity Significantly…

Families are being pulled in many directions each week with different school, work, and sporting activities consuming their time. In this time crunch, remembering to add healthy food choices and exercise can feel overwhelming. In the last 20 years, obesity in … Continue reading

Bacteria, C-Section, and Breast Feeding: How It Affects Your Baby’s Health…

Researchers are figuring out why C-Sections and Breast Feed have lifelong effects on a baby’s health. It’s because of the bacteria they are exposed to through mothers milk and vaginal delivery. These bacteria live in the gut of the baby … Continue reading