You may see signs when you drive around or go grocery shopping about flu shots being available (like at Walgreen’s, Wal-Mart, etc…). Well, we have had flu immunizations in our office since July. Unlike your local grocer or pharmacy, we … Continue reading
Boston here I come!
Anyone who has read my blog in the past knows it is (like my life) 1/2 related to the world of pediatrics and the office, and 1/2 related to my “running life.” Last December I ran fast enough in the … Continue reading
Back to school – please…
I have great respect for parents that are able to home school. This is a great undertaking. For myself however, I am counting the days until my own kids go back to the “non-summer” routine. Between school/camp physicals at my … Continue reading
Flu season in July???
No, we are not seeing any cases of influenza in July, but as manufacturers of flu immunization get better we have been getting flu vaccine to distribute to patients earlier each year. We got some doses for patient use as … Continue reading