What Equipment will I need before I leave the hospital with my infant? Before your infant goes home from the hospital, you will need a car seat, formula bottles (if you are not breastfeeding), rectal thermometer, nasal aspirator/bulb suction, and … Continue reading
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) and Other Vaccines Show No Link to Autism in a New Review of Existing Scientific Evidence
A new study shows that vaccines are very safe for children, and add to a substantial body of evidence that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the very low risks of taking it. This review found strong evidence that the measles, … Continue reading
Are Vaccines Harmful? A New Study Shows Anti-Vaccination Websites ‘Distort’ Science for Their Conclusions
A recent study of 480 anti-vaccination websites found that most of the sites show unscientific views about vaccinations that use pseudoscience and misinformation to spread the idea that vaccines are dangerous. 2/3rd of the anti-vaccination websites studies claimed that vaccines cause autism but … Continue reading